
Fountainscapes are small decorative water features such as tabletop fountains, container water gardens, stand-alone fountains, bubbling urns, spitters, and fountains that incorporate an in-ground reservoir.

FountainScapes provide homeowners with a unique and creative way to decorate their outdoor living space. Many homeowners long for the soothing sounds of running water in their landscape, but they are just not ready for a pond or they cannot afford one. The Aquascape AquaBasin system provides the perfect solution. They are designed to eliminate errors and take the guesswork out of creating and installing fabulous looking FountainScapes. —————————————————————————————————-

Creates a stunning focal point in your front or back yard. Simple, self-contained, modular design makes it easy to install.
You don’t have to be a pond expert and there’s virtually no maintenance. Designed to be moved around as your landscape grows and changes. You can even remove it and take it with you, should you decide to move to a new home!
Fit anywhere in your garden – All you need is a 4′x4′ space. FountainScapes are so affordable, that you can change the decorative piece from year to year without breaking the bank. Brass, stone or ceramic décor – Create a fresh new look every season. —————————————————————————————————-

How long does it take to install? Two people can install a FountainScape on a Saturday morning. No kidding. First you excavate a hole and set the AquaBasin. Hook up the pump, set your decorative piece, fill the feature with water, and voila! They’re so easy you’ll want to install more than one in your garden.

Can I use any decorative fountain piece? As long as the feature has a drip line that falls within the AquaBasin, anything goes. Too much splash outside the basin and you run the risk of the FountainScape running dry, which can cause damage to the pump. All Aquascape decorative features have been designed specifically to work with AquaBasins. They have a very good selection of pieces and quality of workmanship is fabulous.

What about during the winter months? As long as the water in your AquaBasin does not freeze, you can keep your FountainScape running as late in the fall as you like. When you’re ready to shut things down for the season, simply remove the pump and store it indoors in a bucket of water until spring. Ceramic urns should also be brought in for the winter, whereas brass and stone decorative pieces can stay out all year long.